Thursday, July 25, 2013

Going round in circles …..

Yes, that’s me, navigationally challenged, often lost on the road and driving miles to nowhere - despite  printed directions  off Google Maps, for reference.

Seriously, I don’t get it; when I miss a turn, or fail to see a landmark, which I should have seen soon after I made a turn, why do I keep going, hoping it will appear like a genie? Common sense should tell me to turn back, but no, Miss Know It All, who is actually clueless, drives on and on with no end in sight! Guess common sense is really not that common after all.

After several such incidents, my patience was wearing thin, I decided enough is enough and thought of getting a GPS.

Initially hubby dearest said, ‘you really don’t need one, it is simple common sense, this is North, this is South….”

“Oh no, don’t North South me, just knowing my left from my right is challenging enough. I need clear instructions and I need a GPS.”

I guess he knew better than to argue with a ranting wife so Mr. GPS came into my life.

If I thought that was the end of my woes, far from it. I used it for the first time recently and as soon as I heard ‘turn left,’ I did so. I guess I have selective hearing too, because on hindsight Mr GPS had clearly said in a most authoritative tone, ‘turn left after one mile’ but a twit like me got that wrong too.

At this point, my frustration of driving on unchartered territory is beyond belief and I am this close to experiencing road rage, which should be cause for concern for other drivers too who are oblivious to the challenges I face, when driving on my own.

So what are my options – well, if I were to win millions in the lottery, I could pay for a chauffeur to drive me to and from my destinations. Maybe I could go one step further and invest in a brand new car and a uniformed chauffeur to go with that.

Wait a minute, forget the car, I might as well go all nine yards and settle for a private jet – I know, I know, that’s a pretty far-fetched idea and it will definitely be beyond my budget,  but hey, it doesn’t cost to dream and its tax-free too!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mum knows best…that was then, not now!

Growing up, I realised that the saying ‘mum knows best’ was absolutely true. My mum knew everything and was always, always right, no question about that.

Come to think of it, we never questioned, we just did what we were told. Children today are confident, bold, want an explanation, will question everything, answer back and overall make themselves heard.

As with all mothers, I want what’s best for my children and I have tried but I still have a lot to learn. For starters I am not my mother, I couldn’t even be like her,  so I am not even trying; secondly, I don’t have all the answers and I am not always right.

As parents, we need to realise that, other than instilling strong family values, it is tough to bring up children the exact same way that we were brought up.

In today’s competitive world, children too face a lot of peer pressure that can be overwhelming for them to handle.

All you can do is to nurture your children, be supportive, love them unconditionally and make them feel they are valued, thus paving the way for building a secure foundation, on which they can thrive and grow to become responsible and caring human beings.

The fact is that  to some extent, we have to move with the times and adjust our mindset if we want to stay connected and build a strong relationship with our children.

Alternatively, you can force them to conform to your way of thinking and risk losing them altogether.

Furthermore, there comes a time, as painful as it is, when you have to loosen the apron strings and let go even if it hurts to watch them stumble and fall, because it is only through trial and error that they will learn how to fly.
Over time, if I have taught my children about life, I have learnt a lot from them too. If I have been right, there are many times I have been wrong and I have never hesitated to admit my mistakes. By doing so, I have taught them the importance of being accountable for their actions and not let ego blind their judgement.

Just because you are a parent, doesn’t make you perfect in any way. Just because you are a parent, doesn’t mean things have to always be your way.

Being a parent, is about respecting your children for who they are, not judging, not criticizing, not putting them down and yet letting them know who is in charge.
Be a kind, patient teacher yet teaching them right from wrong would be ineffective, if you don’t practise what you preach.
There will be times when your patience will be stretched, you will rant and rave and want to pull your hair out, but it is okay to have a meltdown, because none of us is perfect.
Children today are so much smarter than we were at their age. They are quick to learn, they know what they want and are ambitious. They have much more in terms of opportunities and material comforts and many are a pampered lot, but that's our doing, not theirs.
So although we would like to think we know best, we don't always do. I think I speak for many, when I say that being a parent can be a demanding, frustrating and thankless 24/7 job, but on the flipside, it is truly a rewarding experience.

Friday, July 19, 2013


To start doing what it takes, to accomplish your goals. Not tomorrow, not next week, but today - now.
It is not enough to set an intention; it is a good start, but it won’t get you anywhere if you are going to procrastinate with an endless list of excuses, most of which are so lame, even you don’t believe them.
What is our constant excuse - lack of time? I am the first to plead guilty. On hindsight, I have time to sleep, sometimes more than 8 hours a day. I have time to eat, to play Scrabble and Candy Crush on my Ipad, to be a couch potato and watch episodes of Big Bang and Two and a Half Men, but for starters I don’t have time to exercise or work on my writing goals.
The fact of the matter is that laziness won’t get you anywhere; it just keeps you stuck in the same place and then you wonder why you are so frustrated. Well now you know!
Because the bottom line is, that for every goal you have to define a deadline. For every goal you need to be committed, be consumed with a passion, driven by a hunger to succeed. So how driven are you? How much of yourself, of your time, are you willing to commit to achieve your goals?
Ask yourself – are you ready to commit? If so what are you waiting for…Christmas?