Thursday, March 21, 2013

Are you a whiner?

We all have our off days. Remember how some days nothing goes right and we fly off the handle? Needless to say, we are not fun to be around, when in tantrum mode.

While it is okay to have such days, what a pain in the butt you would be if you behaved that way on a regular basis.

Who would want to interact with you, knowing only too well, that your only response to the social etiquette of asking how you are would probably be answered with the woes of life and the world overall?

Did you stop to think that things could be worse? Aren’t you grateful that it isn’t so?

Yeah, I hear you mumbling ‘Whatever! What would you know,” but trust me, I know – been there, done that.

I have screamed and cried to get stuff out of my system and it is amazing how wonderful it feels, like the calm after the storm.

So really the decision of how you react to the craziness in your life is up to you, because no matter what, no one can make you ‘feel’ those negative or positive emotions. Your reaction to other people or situations is yours to control.  

You can choose to remain grouchy and miserable and mess it up for yourself and everyone around you or you can pull socks up, focus on happier thoughts and indulge in whatever you can do to make you feel better.

We all know that nothing is permanent. Things change, people change, circumstances change. Every morning brings a new dawn, a new ray of hope and promise – isn’t it better to feel  hopeful rather than hopeless?

At the end of the day, the choice is yours. Which one would you choose?

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