Thursday, November 22, 2012

Come, fall in love...

I love myself - seriously I do, because I have learnt that no one can love me as much as I can love myself.

Then again, there are times our self-esteem takes a beating and we question our sense of self-worth.

But let’s face it, none of us is perfect, so appreciate and accept yourself, despite your shortcomings – that is what loving yourself is about.

Also if you don’t feel that way about yourself, how can you expect it from others?

Think about it. When you love someone deeply, you do so unconditionally, despite their faults, so why then can’t you love yourself with the same fervour?

If you criticize yourself, feel you are not good enough, for whatever reason, you will attract not only negative energy but also people who will be critical of you in every way.

As human beings, we are the same and yet so different. Our lives are different, our thoughts, dreams and desires are different. Even when we are intertwined as a family, we are all individuals on our own journey.

As part of our journey, we will meet a variety of people. Some will be kind, others cruel, some will help you, others will use you and there will be just as many who will love you or hate you, all of which will impact your emotions.
Then again, each of us is responsible for our feelings People are not responsible for how we feel and we are not responsible for how others feel.
We have created the emotion, it will pass. If we identify with it, we expect it to come and accept it when it comes. That does not mean you try to escape it by distracting your mind. By doing that, you will only cause it to fester and create ill health over time.

Also, don’t simply sit back and wait for Time to heal the pain.
We choose how much time we take to heal ourselves. Face the emotion and find the tool of knowledge to heal it, do not leave it to time

If this means journaling, screaming or crying if necessary, do so; don’t withhold what you feel, because only through the unleashing of words or tears, can you start the healing process of your anguished mind and body and release the imbedded pain, anger and bitterness.

The fact remains, that negative emotions are like blockages towards the road of happiness and it is only when you forgive, can you let go of the past and move forward.

While it is hard to forgive people who have hurt you, you can at least forgive yourself first, for feeling the way you do.

Slowly but surely, you will not only heal yourself, but also your relationship with others.

One needs to remember that no one is a bad person; it is their situations and experiences that have made them so and it is part of a personal journey they have to travel.

So focus, look deeply into the eyes that reflect back at you, give yourself a hug and tell the  face in the mirror, that no matter what, you are unique in every way.

Come, lets each of us fall in love - with ourselves.